quarta-feira, 22 de abril de 2009

Êbaaa, festaaaaa !!!!!!!

1 comentários

Oiiiieeeee ,


Eu to aqui...bem passei uns 4 dias fora... foi inesperado, mas preciso... Fui visitar minha avó quando cheguei lá minha tia disse que minha prima havia terminado o noivado ... Nossaa levei um susto, pois iria se casar em Dezembro, e putz tava muitooo empolgada, mas estas coisas acontecem (ninguém melhor do que eu pra dizer né? De banco...) Ela resolveu sair no sabado e perguntou se eu não tava querendo ir com ela, tinha compromisso, mas resolvi nao ir... e ficar com ela, mesmo com pouco dindin, aahh e falei pra ela quanto ao lance de Au Pair (minha familia nao sabe, only my parents and my sister). Saimos, fomos em um lugar chamado Kabana, mas foi legallll ... ela gostou muitoo...

Chegamos em casa às 2h da manha, mas foi legal... ainda chegamos cedo, pois na hora que estavamos saindo tinha muitaa gente chegando...huahuaahuah

Agora aproveitando o Brasil ..... Eu Daiane e Daliane.... Posso ir a qualquer momento né, nao tem meninas q depois q encontra family tem um mes so...entaoooo
Ahhh, Carlinhaaaa Saudades.... como foi seu voo?? Depois me diga com detalhes táá??

Mais perguntas que a family pode fazer....

0 comentários

Migas, peguei em um site, achei que fosse bom :

Dê uma olhadinha, vale a pena, e outra: ainda treina o ingês...

Finding a list of babysitters on Sitters.com is only the first step in getting the right sitter for your family. Meeting and interviewing your prospective babysitters is the next, and important step, in the process of finding a great babysitter. An interview should focus on the person's experience and childcare skills, including any special training the candidate may have. Rather than beginning the conversation with a barrage of questions, you can start with a few questions that you think are particularly important given your individual needs. Try open-ended questions like "What do you like best about babysitting?" rather than "Do you like children?" The goal is to spark a conversation that will be useful for both of you.

The questions you ask will probably vary depending on the type of caregiver you are interviewing. Below are two lists of questions you might consider asking, one for adolescent or teenage babysitters, and one for older or "professional" caregivers. Don't feel you have to ask all the questions; focus on what is important to you, and as the conversation develops you can determine what other areas might need to be covered.

Interviewing Teenage Babysitters
If you don't already have it, you'll want to obtain some basic information from the babysitter, such as his or her full name, age, address and phone number, and at least two references with whom you can speak. You will already have most of this information if you found the babysitter on Sitters.com. Additionally, many babysitters put one or two references in their Sitters.com profile, allowing you to contact the references directly before you interview the babysitter. Interviews with young babysitters are likely to be a bit less formal, but the following are questions you may want to ask, either in your initial phone contact or in an actual interview:

- Do you have any younger brothers or sisters that you babysit for? What are their ages?
- Have you had experience taking care of other children? If so, how old were they and over what period of time (and/or how often) did you babysit for them?
- Have you completed any babysitter training, first aid, or CPR courses?
- Tell me about school. How are your grades? What activities are you involved in?
- What do you do in your spare time? Do you have any hobbies or other jobs?
- How do your parents feel about you babysitting?
- What do you like best about babysitting and being with kids? What do you like least?
- What kinds of activities do you enjoy doing with children?
- Do you know what to do in case of an emergency?
- What is the most difficult situation you have encountered while babysitting? How did you handle it?
- How much do you charge and what hours are you available?
- Do you have any questions for me?

Interviewing Adult Caregivers
Interviews with older or more experienced caregivers are likely to be more detailed, as these candidates will typically have a greater amount of information to share than teenage babysitters regarding their education and employment history. Be sure to obtain a list of references and other basic information about the candidate prior to or during the interview, including information you may need to perform a background check, such as: previous names and addresses, date of birth, driver's license and/or social security number, and anything else you want to know. You will already have most of this information if you found the babysitter on Sitters.com. Additionally, many babysitters put one or two references in their Sitters.com profile, allowing you to contact the references directly before you interview the babysitter.

The following are questions you may want to ask in an interview:
- Describe your babysitting and childcare experience. What are the ages of children you have cared for?
- Do you still babysit for any of your prior clients?
- Do you have any children of your own? If so, how old are they?
- Do you have any special training or certification? Are you trained in first aid or infant/child CPR?
- What do you like most about babysitting and being with children? What do you like least?
- Which ages are you most comfortable with? Least comfortable?
- What is your approach to discipline?
- How would you handle an emergency situation?
- What is the most difficult situation you have encountered while babysitting? How did you handle it?
- What kinds of activities do you enjoy doing with children?
- What are your personal and career goals? How long do you intend to continue babysitting?
- What do you do in your spare time? Do you have any hobbies or other jobs?
- How much do you charge and what hours are you available?

Closing Thoughts
Following your interview with any prospective babysitter, you'll probably want to arrange for him or her to meet and interact with your children. This will help you see how he or she relates to them and how the children react to the sitter. Many parents like to try out a new babysitter by having the person babysit once or a few times while they are home, in order to help a new sitter get acclimated to the family and the rules of the house.

Once you've chosen a great babysitter, be sure to check on how things are going over time. Discuss with your children how they feel about the babysitter, and check in frequently with the sitter in order to address any questions or difficulties.

Tirado do SITE : http://www.sitters.com/interviewsitter.aspx

Agora perguntas da Família para Au Pair... Podendo ter variações...

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Tem famílias que perguntam mtaaa coisaa...outras só o necessárioo...vo passa uma lista de perguntas mtooooo grande, éh claro que a host family naum vai perguntar muitoo...mas você pode ter certeza que todas a perguntas q host family fizer vai estar dentro dessas listas, eu falo isso pq foi assim comigoo uns dias atras...rsrsr

Discuss the Au Pair’s past experience and interest in working with children.

1- Why have you chosen to become an Au Pair?
2- What do you enjoy most about caring for children?
3- What is your childcare experience? Have you babysat for kids, or worked in a camp or kindergarten? Have you ever bathed or cooked meals for children?
4- What are the ages of the children you have cared for in the past? Do you have any specific experience with children of our children’s ages?
5- Have you ever cared for children for 45 hours a week? What is the longest amount of time you have cared for children?
6- How many children have you cared for alone at one time?
7- Would you be comfortable staying home with kids all day?

Discuss the au pair’s driving ability.

1- Do you drive? How often?
2- Do you have an international driver’s license?
3- Do you have a car now? What are your driving restrictions?
4- Have you ever driven an American automatic car? (Also, keep in mind that many au pairs are not accustomed to driving large minivans or sports utility vehicles)
5- Have you ever been in a car accident? (If yes, discuss it)
6- Would you be comfortable driving kids in the car with you?
7- How long have you had a driver’s license?

Discuss the au pair’s lifestyle and interests.

1- What are you doing right now, are you working or going to school? What are you studying or where are you working?
2- What are your hobbies?
3- Do you have a boyfriend/girlfriend? How does he or she feel about you leaving for a year? Are they going to want to visit you?
4- Do you smoke cigarettes? If yes, how often? If now, have you ever smoked, and if so, when did you quit?
5- Do you have any medical (health) problems
6- Do you like or have pets? (ask about allergies)
7- Have you ever lived away from home before? For how long?
8- Have you ever been to the United States before? Are you familiar with American culture and family values?
9- What type of relationship do you have with your family? How does your family feel about you coming to the United States for one year? What would you hope to do during your year in the USA?

Further discuss the au pair’s past experience and interest in working with children.

1- How would you handle…(a specific problem such as: bedtime, meal struggles, jealousy, crying, a fussy baby)
2- How do you discipline children? How were you disciplined as a child?
3- What do you think your day will be like with the children? What will you do with them?
4- What is the hardest part about working with children for you?
5- Have you had any special childcare training?

Further discuss the au pair’s lifestyle and interests.

1- Who do you live with at the moment? If you live by yourself, how will you feel about joining a family and having to respect their house rules?
2- Do you have a curfew now? What is it?
3- What does your family do during free time? Hobbies? Interests? (Think if they are similar to your family’s interests, or if those activities are available in your community)
4- What does being part of a family mean to you?
5- What is your biggest concern about being an Au Pair?
6- Do you have a boyfriend/girlfriend? How does s/he feel about you being an Au Pair for one year?
7- Do you know how to swim? Would you be willing to learn?
8- Do you know how to cook? What kind of meals do you envision cooking for the children? Are you a vegetarian? If so, would you cook meat for the children? Are there any types of meals that you will not eat?
9- Do you play any sports?
10- Do you consider yourself a tidy or messy person? Would you have a problem joining a very messy or very neat household?
11- What your best qualities?
12- What are your worst qualities?
13- Why should we choose you as our Au Pair?

Estas perguntas By André Dádamo (Orkut)

Ameiiiiiiiiiiii issoooooo não tem noçãooo....rsrsrs


Ahhhhhhhh não se esqueça de comentar....

quarta-feira, 15 de abril de 2009

Perguntas para famílias na primeira ligação...

2 comentários

About the children:

1) How many children are there? What are their names? *
2) How old are they? *
3) What do they like to do? *
4) What are their favorite games and toys? *
5) Are they in school? How far away is the school? *
6) How they go to school, by bus? Am I gonna be supposed to take them to school by car? Se a criança for bebê -
7) Is she or he walking and talking yet? *
8) Are they energetic or calm kids?
9) What are their activities? (outdoor, indoor)
10) What do they usually eat? (for breakfast and lunch) *
11) Am I be supposed to make dinner?
12) Do you follow a special diet? *

About their home:

13) Where do you live? In which State? *
14) Is it a small town?
15) Is it near a big city or capital? Which one?
16) Do you live in house or apartment?
17) Do you have pets?
18) Do you have a housekeeper?
19) What about the aupair´s bedroom, what part of the house is the bedroom located?
20) Have you ever had an aupair before? Is she living with you yet?
21) Would you mind if i ask you to talk to her or send her an e-mail?
22) Are there other families with children nearby? *
23) Are there any other aupairs in the area? *
24) What things are there to do with the children? *

About the parents:
25) What are your names? *
26) Where do you work and what do you do? *
27) Why are you interested in getting an Au Pair? *
28) What are your hobbies? *
29) Do family members or relatives live nearby? *
30) How long have you lived in that state? *
31) Where have you lived before? *
32) Have you ever been to overseas? Didi you like it? *
33) Have you ever been to the country I am from? *
34) What qualities do you find important in an Au Pair? *

About the Au Pair´s duties:
35) Will I be responsible for any household duties? If so, which ones? *
36) What kind of activities will you expect me to do with the children? *
37) What will my schedule be like? * 38) Will I have access to internet?
39) Will I have time to study? What time?
40) What will be my curfew? ou então What time can I get home during the week and on the weekends?

About the car:
41) Will I have permission to use the car? *
42) Is a state driver's license required? (alguns estados não aceitam apenas a carteira de motorista internacional, vc tem q fazer outra lá mesmo, dependendo do Estado). *
43) Are there only certain times when I can use the car? *

Mas lembre-se tente ficar mais calma possível, e sempre deixar um papel perto do tel e um na bolsa, pois podem ligar sem avisar e do nada...rs rs
Beijinhos espero q ajude

In my Birthday Party

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"Princesa linda demais
Perfeita aos Olhos do Pai,
Alguém igual a você não vi jamais...."

Não temas !!

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Voltei...Bem sei que to sumida no MSN, e por um tempo tenho ficado só mesmo com o Blog e com e-mail mas fazer o que néé...rs
Tenho nada demais pois hoje não sai de casa, estou em provas na faculdade, tentando resolver as coisas que faltam, e claro, ficar por dentro do assunto que mais penso, que é Au Pair. Nossa, como é dificil esse momento...
Sexta termino minhas provas..Aff...
E agora to muitoo anciosa, e preocupada, pois estou pra recebr uma ligação muito importante pra mim nossaa to muitooo feliz, mas preocupada também...Nossaa...
Essa foto foi tirada no meu Niver desse ano ...
23 Years Old...Bem, velha nada táá...hehehehe
Eu tava escrevendo e escutando uma música e resolvi colocar as principais partes dela ak...
"Nada que vc conquistar te faz maior te faz melhor, nadaaaa, nadaaaaa do que vc perdeu te faz menor ....Nos nao somos nada, nos nao temos nada, pois somente o sacrificio de Jesus, nos tirou da lama, e tirou da morte,te trarás vida...
Antes de ter nascido, mesmo com todos os seus defeitos, os seus erros, o amor de Deus é maior p t perdoar, nao é a sua obra, não e os seus dons, nao é você, mas é aquilo que Deus fez na Cruz que vai te dar a vitória.
Não posso pagar ...
Não posso pagar
Tudo o que eu faço é tão pouco
Diante do preço que foi pago pra me salvar
Mesmo antes de Nascer, Deus já tinha planejado um futuro pra você !!
André Valadão Congresso de 2006.

terça-feira, 14 de abril de 2009

Nossa !!! Como estou nervosa....

1 comentários

Queria poder escrever tdos os dias sabe, mas nossaaa.. Ta dificil ate mesmo entrar na net..Putzz..rsrsrs
Mas ontem fui em Copacabana, foi legal mas tudo nao tava cooperando sabe...primeiro tava c a grana contada eu e minha amiga,rs, e, em falando nisso to ate procurando um emprego, principalmente temporario, para poder ter as coisas ne, rsrss, da p conseguir uma graninha ate outubro ( q é a data mais ou menos prevista (se Deus quiser) que devo tá indo embarcar... Bem, sera ate setembro no caso...hehee...mas voltando... fomos ate a Rio tour, que é mmuito legal, muitos Posters, folhetos sobre o Rio.. quero mostrar pouquinho o riooo.... Foi Flavia, que embarca em Julho, Gaby (Junho), Carlinha (ESSE DOMINGO,UHHUUU Congratulations Carlinhaaa)e eu... que tudo leva a crer que sera em Outubro... Estou a procura de family, mas Deus conhece o meu Coração...hehe.. Saimos e como disse, perdem os o onibus ...esperamos 1 hora e nadaaaa... resolvemos ir de Metro e depois de trem, andamos com fome, calor, sede, ttudoo,rsrrs, morar longe fazer o que, depois d andarmos muitooo chegamos no metro, quando fomos comprar, cadê?? Trem de Greve, sem Chances... Tava ficando já com pena d minha amiga já, avisei que pegaremos o bus mais carooo (r$ 9,00) Meuu Deus, pra quem tava com dinheiro contato facadaaaaaa.... chegamos o bus tava passando, pegamos, "chorei" quando tava pagando, aquele velho caso, eu segurando minha notinha d 10 prata e ele puxando e eu nao soltando ate que ele deu uma risadinha, percebi e larguei ..aff fazer o que ne... Dpois ainda fui no centro da onde moro, nossaaa, depois vim p casa, tomei banho, apaguei (20h) literalmente tendo um treco de fome, mas dormi, acordei de madrugada com muitaaaa fome, mas cade a coragem??
To orando tanto sabe, querooo muito que o meu plano se acerte.... sabe....

Outra coisa....

Será que não terá promoçao mês q vem nãooo?? Seraaaaa???? Queria tanto uma promoçaooo.... Se Deus quiser, espero mais ou menos até o dia 15 d mes q vem, ai entrego, mas queriiaaa promoçãooooooo..... CC da uma promoçaoo vaiiiii...Please...uhahuauhahuhauhuahua

Vamos ver ne galerinha...

Ate amanhaa,

Beijitus, como sempre digo,



domingo, 12 de abril de 2009

Detalhes Antes de entregar o dossiê

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Passaporte: 30/06/2008.
Pegar referência:03/2009
Carta pra HostFamily:02/2009
Preencher o Application todo:04/2009
Teste na agência:

Obs.: Já havia pego as referências,medical form, e preenchido o Dossiê, mas nao consegui entregar no ano passado, e a minha agente (Ipanema) não está mais com o programa, tenho que fazer agora tudo de novo, até mesmo o teste...

Tudo começou...

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Como tudo começou...pequeno resumo

Quando dia 01 de março de 2008, quando fui me encontrar com uma pessoa que achava que era minha amiga(agradeço da mesma forma pois ela que me disse sobre o programa e isso agradeço eternamente a ela mais sem amizades). Quando resolvi marcar com ela na praia de Copacabana para conversarmos e quando chegamos la percebemos que tinhamos os mesmo planos. Marcamos primeira visita numa agência(vamos chama-la de agencia 1) e dias depois marquei numa agencia (esta será agencia 2) e finalmente fui na agencia 3. Na primeira, nao me senti confortavel mesmo,tentei,mas não deu. Ate o inicio deste ano(2009) estava na duvida entre a 2 e 3, ficando com a 3.
Fui no primeiro encontro com as agentes e Au pairs dia 14/03/2008. De lá pra ca, venho ido que posso e que sou chamada.
Sendo que eu tinha somente avançado em espanhol o meu inglês, que eu achava q era Basico,conclui que nem isso era.
E meti a cara no livro pois trabalhava longe de casa saia 6h a.m.d casa e voltava as 2h a.m. todo diaaa... Nao tinha tempo de fazer Curso... Depois sai do serviço e fiquei sem grana p poder pagar sozinha.
Meu espanhol Avançado,meu inglês, que eu achava q era Basico,conclui que nem isso era. E meti a cara no livro pois trabalhava longe de casa saia 6h a.m.d casa e voltava as 2h a.m. todo dia.Nao tinha tempo de fazer Curso.Depois sai do serviço e fiquei s grana p pod pagar sozinha. E comecei o processo para AU PAIR.MEU DEUS.Não to acreditando...

Nossa quanta coisa acontecendo sabe, quantas coisas que tenho que correr atras e ver ...
Mas acredito que vai dar tudo certo....