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Finding a list of babysitters on Sitters.com is only the first step in getting the right sitter for your family. Meeting and interviewing your prospective babysitters is the next, and important step, in the process of finding a great babysitter. An interview should focus on the person's experience and childcare skills, including any special training the candidate may have. Rather than beginning the conversation with a barrage of questions, you can start with a few questions that you think are particularly important given your individual needs. Try open-ended questions like "What do you like best about babysitting?" rather than "Do you like children?" The goal is to spark a conversation that will be useful for both of you.
The questions you ask will probably vary depending on the type of caregiver you are interviewing. Below are two lists of questions you might consider asking, one for adolescent or teenage babysitters, and one for older or "professional" caregivers. Don't feel you have to ask all the questions; focus on what is important to you, and as the conversation develops you can determine what other areas might need to be covered.
Interviewing Teenage Babysitters
If you don't already have it, you'll want to obtain some basic information from the babysitter, such as his or her full name, age, address and phone number, and at least two references with whom you can speak. You will already have most of this information if you found the babysitter on Sitters.com. Additionally, many babysitters put one or two references in their Sitters.com profile, allowing you to contact the references directly before you interview the babysitter. Interviews with young babysitters are likely to be a bit less formal, but the following are questions you may want to ask, either in your initial phone contact or in an actual interview:
- Do you have any younger brothers or sisters that you babysit for? What are their ages?
- Have you had experience taking care of other children? If so, how old were they and over what period of time (and/or how often) did you babysit for them?
- Have you completed any babysitter training, first aid, or CPR courses?
- Tell me about school. How are your grades? What activities are you involved in?
- What do you do in your spare time? Do you have any hobbies or other jobs?
- How do your parents feel about you babysitting?
- What do you like best about babysitting and being with kids? What do you like least?
- What kinds of activities do you enjoy doing with children?
- Do you know what to do in case of an emergency?
- What is the most difficult situation you have encountered while babysitting? How did you handle it?
- How much do you charge and what hours are you available?
- Do you have any questions for me?
Interviewing Adult Caregivers
Interviews with older or more experienced caregivers are likely to be more detailed, as these candidates will typically have a greater amount of information to share than teenage babysitters regarding their education and employment history. Be sure to obtain a list of references and other basic information about the candidate prior to or during the interview, including information you may need to perform a background check, such as: previous names and addresses, date of birth, driver's license and/or social security number, and anything else you want to know. You will already have most of this information if you found the babysitter on Sitters.com. Additionally, many babysitters put one or two references in their Sitters.com profile, allowing you to contact the references directly before you interview the babysitter.
The following are questions you may want to ask in an interview:
- Describe your babysitting and childcare experience. What are the ages of children you have cared for?
- Do you still babysit for any of your prior clients?
- Do you have any children of your own? If so, how old are they?
- Do you have any special training or certification? Are you trained in first aid or infant/child CPR?
- What do you like most about babysitting and being with children? What do you like least?
- Which ages are you most comfortable with? Least comfortable?
- What is your approach to discipline?
- How would you handle an emergency situation?
- What is the most difficult situation you have encountered while babysitting? How did you handle it?
- What kinds of activities do you enjoy doing with children?
- What are your personal and career goals? How long do you intend to continue babysitting?
- What do you do in your spare time? Do you have any hobbies or other jobs?
- How much do you charge and what hours are you available?
Closing Thoughts
Following your interview with any prospective babysitter, you'll probably want to arrange for him or her to meet and interact with your children. This will help you see how he or she relates to them and how the children react to the sitter. Many parents like to try out a new babysitter by having the person babysit once or a few times while they are home, in order to help a new sitter get acclimated to the family and the rules of the house.
Once you've chosen a great babysitter, be sure to check on how things are going over time. Discuss with your children how they feel about the babysitter, and check in frequently with the sitter in order to address any questions or difficulties.
Tirado do SITE : http://www.sitters.com/interviewsitter.aspx
quarta-feira, 22 de abril de 2009
Mais perguntas que a family pode fazer....
Postado por Andy às 14:24
Marcadores: Entrevista de familia para Au Pair
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